This Year in NYGEAR UP


What is different from 8th grade to 9th grade? 

Transitioning to high school is a process, and understanding how a high school is organized and structured can help you smoothly transition academically and socially. NYGEAR UP is here to connect the dots from middle to high school. The NYGEAR UP Program is designed to create an excellent academic start in high school and beyond.

Nassau Community College NYGEAR UP

The Challenges You'll Face:

Students will learn to overcome many challenges in their academic careers. One crucial challenge and issue to be aware of is time management. As a high school student, managing your time will help you have a smoother transition from middle to high school. A challenge many students face is receiving an assignment to a high school that is a two-hour commute on public transportation from their home. In certain areas, it is not uncommon for a student to take three different modes of transportation (trains, bus, or walk) to get to school. For a student, this is an enormous responsibility and an additional pressure. Students may also face many other challenges besides time management. You may also struggle with difficulty understanding complex topics, peer pressure, bullying, dealing with high expectations from parents and teachers, personal issues, health problems, or balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities.

It becomes clear why even the most stable students start "falling behind." Too many students are taking an enormous leap with no information or help to break the fall. Understanding some challenges and obstacles you may face as a high school student is essential in preparing and planning for academic success. NYGEAR UP programs partner with our local school districts to supplement  services offered to students.

NYGEAR UP offers thoughtful guidance and encouragement to students so they can take ownership of their paths to college and planning for future careers.

What's Your Passion

Putting in a little extra time after school with your favorite club and volunteering are important parts of your journey to college. Join NCEEP's college and career club and develop your skills.

NYGEAR UP Opportunities

New Year, New NYGEAR UP

New experiences await you this year, and NYGEAR UP is excited to take part in your journey!

  • Charting your High School Course

    College-bound high school students should prepare to strengthen and flex their academic muscles for the next four years.
    Know the steps it takes to have a successful high school career.

  • High School Bound

    Start to build your support network. Identify the individuals who can help you reach your goals.

Staying on Track

NYGEAR UP is here to help you through every year on your journey to college. Below is a summary of each program that is available to GEAR UP students. Reach out to your local NYGEAR UP Coordinator for more information about the programs offered in your school!

  • STARI Reading Program

    Students entering high school are expected to use literacy to acquire new information and reflect critically about what they read. NYGEAR UP is vested in helping students succeed. That is why our sites offer the STARI reading program to assist students to improve their reading abilities. STARI is an evidence-based literature-focused intervention for students in grades 6-9 who read two or more years below grade level. NYGEAR UP believes by offering an effective intervention program our students will gain the motivation, confidence, and engagement that is necessary to keep them on track to graduation.

    Build your reading comprehension and fluency through the STARI Program offered by your local NYGEAR UP site.

  • Drone Soccer

    Engineer and pilot a drone as you participate in the exciting sport of Drone Soccer!

  • Learning Blade

    Project-based learning modules explore real-life scientific issues and careers on this interactive learning platform!