What's Next?
High School Bound
Transition to High School Checklist
8th Graders preparing for high school and beyond should plan to think of what they might want to study someday. Use this valuable time to reflect on what you think you'd like to do in the future. If you are planning to attend college, what would you like to study, and where would you like to attend college? Your NYGEAR UP program is a great resource for helping you prepare.
Attend High School Open House Before 9th Grade
- A good suggestion is to understand the different roles and responsibilities of staff you will engage within a high school.
- Read and understand the policies for your high school, including appropriate dress for school, attendance policies, and what to do if you are absent. Your school handbook will be distributed during the open house and can be found on your high school’s website.
- Learn the key locations at school, including the library, media center, counseling center, gym, and, of course, the cafeteria!
Get to Know Your Teachers
- Get to class on time and be prepared
- Understand your teachers’ homework policies and find out what to do if you are absent
- Be involved with your class: ask appropriate questions and participate in class discussions
- Talk to your teachers about individual questions before or after class time
- Be respectful
- Introduce yourself to other school staff, including counselors, administrators, librarians,…even the lunch ladies.
- Expect homework every day: homework includes written assignments, reading, reviewing notes, studying for tests, completing projects, and previewing the next lesson
- Make homework a priority: plan to spend at least 2 to 3 hours a night on homework
- Use weekends to complete assignments
- Complete and turn in assignments on time
- Stay organized
Get Involved
- Join after-school clubs, projects, or sports
- Take courses that will require afterschool involvement, such as band, chorus, orchestra, dance, drama, newspaper, yearbook, foreign language club, etc.
- Community service projects provide a fun way to meet new people
- Consider taking on a leadership role in a club or student council
- Stay informed about the services and events NY GEAR UP sponsors at your school.
Challenge Yourself
- Take the most challenging courses you can handle
- Stretch yourself: consider taking Advance Placement (AP)
- Take foreign language and other electives
Ask for Help When You Need It
- If you are having difficulty with a subject, ask your teacher for help
- Join or create a study group
- Talk with trusted adults about situations that make you feel uncomfortable, such as bullying, dating or drug pressures, harassment (whether at school or online), or anything else you need help with
- High school resource centers can help with many issues you may have
Stay Focused – Keep Planning for College
Keep talking with your parents, teachers, counselors, and others about going to college. Start looking for college scholarships—some can be awarded as early as freshman year of high school; your school counseling office and the Internet are good places to start searching.
Make Good Use Of Your Summer
Complete your reading assignments, explore summer camps or enrichment programs, and consider job opportunities for students of all ages. Whether you're seeking employment, volunteer chances, or simply looking to enjoy a good book, there are plenty of ways to continue growth through the summer.